Another DC Homebrewers Oktoberfest meeting has come and gone. As always, a great time was had by all. Our hosts – Martin and Kristan Doczkat – provided the perfect space for us to enjoy all the great beer and great food.

Speaking of food – they also provided 6 chickens slow roasted over charcoal and a couple of smoked pork butts. Plenty of food was provided by the Food Committee and others, including pretzels, rouladen, potato pancakes, pickled red cabbage, brats, and more. We will try to better next time to accommodate the vegetarians in the group, but for those who imbibe in the meats, no one should have been hungry.

There was a lot of great beer, including Martin’s hefe on tap. Along with all the beer brought by our members, we had our annual German Beer homebrew competition. The winners:

1st: Brian Pinke – Kölsch
2nd: Steve Marler – Munich Dunkel
3rd: James Halabuk – Kölsch

Certificates and prizes were provided. In future club-only competitions, we’ll be providing ribbons! A big thanks to the Competition committee and those who volunteered to judge.

Also a big thanks to all the members who attended. This time of year there are a lot of options, so choosing to mingle with your fellow club members and enjoy each other’s homebrew is appreciated by everyone.

Guten Bier!

Until next year – prosit!


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